Hey! Jordan & Kent Here

There’s a good chance we’ve been in your shoes before. Are you currently limited in resources and staff, yet have huge responsibilities looming overhead? If this sounds familiar, you’re in the right place. 

How we can help

We’ve used our experience and set of skills as both pentesters & sysadmins to develop our signature course, Applied Purple Teaming, which helps teams large and small work together in a more meaningful and productive way. 

“This is a solid look not only at putting structure around purple teams but looking at them objectively in a business sense which I REALLY appreciate.”

“I loved this class and I am on a Purple Team at my org where I write detections. I really appreciate the git repo with all the awesome playbooks.”

“Training designed in a very practical way to help you grasp concepts easily. And hands-on lab after every concept just takes it a level up!”

“The training gives a great overview of how to implement red team tactics as a blue teamer, or to look at things from a blue team perspective if you’re on a red team. The setup and teamwork by Kent and Jordan shows they are passionate about the topics they cover during the class. I’d recommend this to anyone active in Information Security, or looking to get into the field. I have a ton of material to bring back to my team, and implement to present to management in a clear and meaningful way.”

“One of the best courses I have taken! Complete labs (which all function) which provide a valuable perspective from both sides of the attack. The instructors knowledge and experience is invaluable and their openness to share best practices within and outside of course materials speaks volumes to the quality of training. I will be back for more…”

“All security teams should take courses like these to help defend their organization’s assets. On top of that these two do a great job in presenting the information and have a wealth of knowledge to add to their labs. Their backgrounds lead to plenty of good discussions for both blue team and red team types and how we can use both to further protections in any environment.”

“I come from a Red Team background and it helped me understand the Blue Team side of the things. I’m sure everyone has something to take back from this. I look forward to the next version of the training.”

Tom Riddle, Lord Voldemort, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, etc.